Tuesday 18 September 2012

Introductions... and GUN PICS!

Hi there,
I have been made a contributor on this site and would like to tell a little bit about myself.
I am a Nerf gun modder. this means, in all simplicity, I take Nerf guns apart and make them better. I also like to paint them up as this make them look cool. There is a large community dedicated to this hobby called the NIC (Nerf Internet Community) which I am a (very small) part of. I would like to share my knowledge with you so your nerf guns can also shoot further and harder.
And with out further ado, GUN PICTURES!!!

This is my longshot with it's intergrated  'front gun'

This is my favourite, an element ex 6 with a green and black 'Battleworn' paint job

A 'steampunk' maverick

And my current work in progress, a black and metallic blue maverick with a matching jolt.

I hope to be able to share more of my work with you in the future,
